keluh kesah
Thursday, September 06, 2007
I'm supposed to sit my butt doing Finance Law assignment which is due in exactly a week! All the notes are just arm away, the draft I prepared yesterday's waiting to be expanded. And here I am, writing this blog coz my mind isn't there, not just yet. It's still enjoying its last minutes before it got burnt thinking which section to apply on which case, which Act regulates which issue and not to mention all those law jargon, dictionary's now become my new best friend. Susaaaaaaaah banget buat mulai belajar. Banyak banget tetek bengeknya. Beresin apartment lah, download catetan lah (padahal dah siap sedia di depan mata!), etc etc. Daaaan betapa tambah sulitnya belajar kalo si empunya otak sedang dilanda asmara. Cuuiiiiih ABG ish banget! But hey, isnt it good being like ABG? It's kinda fun in a way though. The sparks and butterflies, senyum senyum sendiri ga jelas. Indahnya.....And this might be the first time ever that I'm so excited coming to work. Yes, work which gonna be shut down in less than two weeks time, damn! Kenapa ga dari dulu sih?! #$%^&**

Anyway, spring is in the air! Love the blossoms and the fresh air I can now throw those bulky jackets and coats away in the closet, for the time being. Ramadhan juga sebentar lagi. Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin, Maaf Lahir Batin ya semuanya. Semoga amal ibadah kita di bulan Suci nanti diterima oleh Allah SWT, amin. Lebaran jauh lagi deh dari rumah. Kangen masakan khas Lebaran bikinan mama. Kangen sungkeman sama yg di tua kan. Kangen halal bihalal sama keluarga besar. Kangen denger takbir keliling, Allahhu Akbar Allahu Akbar Walillah Ilham. Kangen tarawih berjamaah di mesjid yang makin deket Lebaran makin sepi karena ditinggal mudik jemaahnya. I miss home, already. And I miss you.

INNE ssstt.... |