Wiiiiiiih lama bener yah blog ini terbengkalai. Abis gimana dong, mojo buat nulis nya menghilang entah kmana. Anyway....yes lots have happened lately. Dimulai dengan si saya akhirnya dapet full time job di sebuah perusahaan di Port Melbourne sana. Ceritanya jadi Assistant Accountant for the Financial Controller. Start from the very basic as an entry level employee which really excites me a lot as there will be heaps for me to learn and my work experience will hopefully broaden even more. And Monday has been my least favourite day ever since, if you know what I mean :) Syukur alhamdulillah banget deh sama Allah SWT coz disaat lagi bingung antara to-stay or not-to-stay, Allah kasih jawaban yang sempurna dan insyallah membawa berkah, amiiiiiiiiiiin. Jadi ga boleh whinging no matter how hard the work's gonna be coz bisa dibilang I didnt thru any hardship to earn it. It was all smooth sailing. Tapi agak deg2an juga soalnya sekarang ceritanya lagi belajar buat manage my own financial matter. FYI, I'm no good at saving. And obviously I can no longer turn to papa everytime I'm short of cash, mu dikemanain muka gue!!! Jadi ceritanya lagi melatih diri buat nahan godaan so hopefully I can spend my money even more wisely. What make things hard is certain things are highly non-negotiable. Si temen pernah bilang I'm high maintenance. Not that I always hit those designer shops along Collins St. I wouldnt mind to hit bargain shops for clothes, shoes or bags, me love bargain! Tapi untuk urusan skin care and make up, hmm....a'ah! So yeah, see how it goes. Hopefully seiring bertambahnya umur yang menjelang seperempat abad (huaaa tuaaa!), pola pikir nya juga jadi makin dewasa, amiiiiiiiiiin.
Now that I've got a full time job, doesnt mean I've already got my permanent residency. Masih ngegantung statusnya, under bridging visa A that is, which literally allows me to work for unlimited hours till I got my PR granted. Alhamdulillah employer nya agak linient so they're happy just by knowing that I've applied for my PR and will (hopefully) get it granted anytime soon *fingers cross* One box has been ticked, another box to tick. Pendamping hidup!! Yang ini rada susah, secara ga mungkin juga kan conducting an online research like I did for the job. And for this reason, I've made up my mind that I'm not gonna stay here for more than 2 years. True that I could possibly bump into someone here which might later be my partner for life, you'll never know. But given the probability, the tendency of me finding a guy who meets all the requirements here is less than it would prolly be back home. Dan lagian dah kelamaan juga disini. I've missed the moments with my family and loved ones back home. I miss home. Ga peduli se kacau apa Indonesia, I do and will always call it home.
Labels: life, love, work
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