screw you!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Keseeeeeeel!! Cita cita mu ber weekend ria dengan hati tenang dan bahagia jadi kacau balau gara gara gua salah pilih orang buat jadi tempat curhat!! Bukan relief atau consolation yang di dapet, gua malah diomelin!! You know NOTHING and so I wasnt deserved to be told off that way! Jujur, gua suka gengsi mengakui kesalahan. Tapi kalo emang gua bener2 salah, at the end of the day gua pasti ngaku. Kaya ibu ini yang suka ngomelin gua kalo emang gua salah dan akhirnya gua ngaku sambil bilang "hmm iya juga yah, harusnya gua kaya gini/gitu". But this wasnt the case, I havent even finished what I was saying!! Dia udah motong sambil ngomel ngomel bilang "kamu sih salah, harusnya jangan kaya gitu" dengan nada sewoooot! I'm not mad just because this person's not on my side. This person should've listened to all I was trying to say. If I was really at wrong, I'd have been more than happy to admit it. This person had always been one of my favorite trash bins. That's why I decided to ring this person last nite when tears nearly streaming down my face (akhirnya sih mewek juga). Arrrggghhh thanks for ruining my weekend!!

INNE ssstt.... |